Saturday, August 21, 2010

Salutations & Objectives


Introduction & Goals

My name is Megan. I go by storywriter84 on most places on the web. I write so, by definition, I am a writer. ;) Feel free to follow me on Twitter. If you decide to, please drop me a little note and introduce yourself.

There's a little snippet along the side of this blog, if you want to know some specifics. For some reason, I am ecstatic that I was able to put in the line about drinking Coke. Most people in the area that I live tend to drink Pepsi. Yuck. Although Mountain Dew is okay.

I have every intention that this blog will be all about my writing and writing in general. I have a feeling that will fall apart rather quickly.

Starting in September, I want to make a post about my goals for the month. Since we're already past the halfway mark for August, I'm going to wait until the end of the month or the very beginning of next.

To start us off, though, I'm going to set one goal. Ready? Here we go!


My current WIP is 4,789 words long.

My goal, to be completed

by the end of August is to make

the word count 5,000.

Should be easy right? We'll see. I'll post a summary and a snipped soon. Hopefully be the end of the month. Is that another goal? Seems like it to me. So:


Post a summary and snippet

of current WIP

(currently titled DEMON)

by the end of the month.

It's been rough going the last couple of weeks with this story, but I'm planning on powering through. I think I stop to the grocery store for some candy is in order. I also need to get some new music to write to. I'm currently using all my music from Glee, but I don't think it's doing the trick.

So, my next goal will be:


Compile a playlist from iTunes

to listen to while writing.

(AND create Pandora channel)

I think three goals are enough for right now. I'll post stuff as I go along. If I start slacking, feel free to send me a message to kick my butt along.


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