Saturday, November 26, 2011


So, as it turns out, I am a terrible blogger.

Another NANOWRIMO is not only upon us, but almost over. As of this post, I'm at 43,798 words. That's quite a feat for me. I've never done it before. And as proud as I am of myself, I'm freaking out, too. Because at some point, people know will want to read what I've been ranting about for a month.

While I'm totally in my right to say no, I probably won't. But I'll make them wait until what I've written is more organized and together chronologically.

I'm registered on the site, if you would like to add me as a "buddy" over there. Here's the link:

If you are also participating in NANOWRIMO, good luck. If you aren't, then you can ignore this post. Maybe once this beast is more presentable, I'll post something.

Until then (or the NEXT NANOWRIMO),
