Saturday, December 31, 2011

The End of 2011 Post

So, another year is almost through. I have to say that it's bittersweet. This year hasn't been an awesome year, by any stretch of the imagination. But, still, I wrote, I read, and when it comes down to it, I can say that I'm happy.

I'm at work now (don't tell Bosslady that I'm blogging at work - although she'll probably just laugh), but when I get home I'm going to take a nap, get up and shower, before getting ready to go out tonight. My family and I are going to the bowling alley (my best friend, Poppet, might be going with us. She's not sure). We've been bowling a lot this year and I can tell you my game has significantly improved.

Though I'm pretty tired, so I'm not sure how well I'll do. Yesterday, after getting off work, I met up with Poppet and helped set up and serve at her friend's reception. That was exhausting. And I wasn't planning on having to stay. But, it happened. Everyone was very nice and the reception was decorated beautifully.

I found some prompts that inspired me while on a writing community on LiveJournal. It ran a little dark, but I can honestly say that I'm happy with what I wrote.

I'm still work on The Quill & The Mirror but I have a new story forming in my head that is fighting for attention. We'll see which one prevails.

I hope 2011 was kind to you. Here's hoping that 2012 is much better.

Happy Writing,


Thursday, December 1, 2011

NANOWRIMO 2011: The End

NANOWRIMO is over and this year I can count myself among the "winners."

That seems a little weird to me, though, that with National Novel Writing Month there are winners and losers. The way I see it, if you fell short of the goal and wrote . . . erm, say, 40,000 words, then that is 40,000 words you wrote on a brand new story that you didn't have before. So, if you participated, congratulations on the start of your novel, whether you reached 50,000 words or not.

(Word of advice for those doing NANO: don't used Open Office. Overall, I like the program, but there will be a discrepancy in your work count, so be careful.)

But I won and I ordered the t-shirt. I've never reached the 50,000 word count goal before and I can honestly tell you I was shaking. I was also running sprints in the chat room I was in, so it was doubly nice to have people to celebrate with.

I hadn't planned to even open the document until my birthday, on the 16th of December, but when I got up this morning I couldn't not work on it. (Alert: Double Negative in play.) I have a lot of editing and writing to do before I can even let anyone else read it. The book is currently entitled "The Quill & The Mirror" and I have a feeling it'll stay that way. Yesterday, when I was daydreaming at the bowling alley - yeah, I know, whatever - I came up with an idea for another story using these characters. Will I write it? Maybe. I wasn't planning on working with these characters again, but it's hard to let go.

I've created this world that I've come to love and this is before I've done any editing. Well, I deleted the words I had marked for deletion and went over some spelling and grammar. So, there was a little bit of editing.

I have a lot of work to do, so I'm going to get to it.

Happy NANO, everyone!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


So, as it turns out, I am a terrible blogger.

Another NANOWRIMO is not only upon us, but almost over. As of this post, I'm at 43,798 words. That's quite a feat for me. I've never done it before. And as proud as I am of myself, I'm freaking out, too. Because at some point, people know will want to read what I've been ranting about for a month.

While I'm totally in my right to say no, I probably won't. But I'll make them wait until what I've written is more organized and together chronologically.

I'm registered on the site, if you would like to add me as a "buddy" over there. Here's the link:

If you are also participating in NANOWRIMO, good luck. If you aren't, then you can ignore this post. Maybe once this beast is more presentable, I'll post something.

Until then (or the NEXT NANOWRIMO),
