Saturday, March 31, 2012

12 & 1/2 Hours and Counting to . . . ScriptFrenzy 2012!

Another Saturday, another post!

I'm getting better at this, at least.

Tomorrow is April 1st, which marks the start of ScriptFrenzy 2012. I'm also currently working on a short story (non-commissioned) for an anthology that is due in June. There are a couple of other anthologies I've found to write (also non-commissioned) that I was go to forgo ScriptFrenzy. I was thinking that it was too much to do with my regular job and my commitments.

But I've decided to muddle through. ScriptFrenzy will be the first priority, since the deadline is sooner, and the short story will be for when I need a break. With just over 12 hours left until this thing starts, I still lack a plot for my script. I'm going to spend the rest of my writing day coming up with a plot and reading articles/blog posts about script writing.

By my post, next Saturday, I should have 23 pages done. Ha! Let's see how it goes.

Good luck to everyone doing ScriptFrenzy this year. And for those of you who aren't, keep writing.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

ScriptFrenzy Update & Freaking the Freak Out

ScriptFrenzy is inching ever closer. I do not, for all intents and purposes, have a complete plot. I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete. Reading is helpful. I read the script for the pilot episode of "How I Met Your Mother." I was pleased to see that the finished product was very close to what was written.

Now, I've read interviews and articles about different television shows about how they are still writing, rewriting, and rewriting again as they are filming the episode. I imagine that's true for movies as well.

It makes me wonder, though, how writer's view their scripts for television verses movies. To me, writing for television seems to be like writing a book - a chapter at a time - where everyone gets to see the chapter. So there's no way to overall edit the book, like you normally would. So, continuing with the metaphor, writing/filming a movie would be more like writing it all before anyone gets to see it.

I think writing for television would be interesting though. I feel as if you'd really get to delve in to the characters, and let the audience get to know them as well.

Also, it is my understanding, that are usally several writers on a television series. Ultimately, I think it would be easier, and possibly more fun, to write for television because you'd have people to bounce ideas off of.


I have an appointment next month to tour a nearby campus. They have a Movie Making Program. It's a small program, very limited, as far as the amount of people they'll take. One minute, I'm very excited about the whole process and the next I'm sick to my stomach. Going back to school would completely change every aspect of my life and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I'll go to my meeting and go from there.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Untitled Writing Post - March 18, 2012

So, apparently, I already suck at this.

I am looking forward to ScriptFrenzy. It starts two weeks from today. I'm not set on a plot yet, and I still have some reading to do before I know for sure what I'm doing.

I've started using Celtx.

So far it's a great program. They make it very easy to write. Everything's there that you need. And when the program is downloaded (for free, might I add) they have programming for many different writing projects.

It makes me very happy.

While I'm learning what I'm doing, I've taken an idea that I've had for a while and trying my hand at scriptwriting. I always thought that it would make a great novel, but I've never tried to write it before so maybe this will work at better.

If not, I'll try again - maybe use it for the idea for Camp NANOWRIMO in June.

I wanted to use my weekly writing blog post to talk about a certain aspect of whatever type of project that I'm currently working on. Unfortunately, I don't have anything picked out. It's been a crazy week and I have been work on a script.

I've been looking into a proper script writing class. I haven't been able to find anything close or exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not really interested in an online class. I would very much like an in person class, even if I had to travel an hour or two once a week. I'll keep looking, but until then, I'll keep researching and writing.

I'm very optimistic about everything at the moment. And that is . . . . nice.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

ScriptFrenzy 2012: Step One - Accepting the Challenge

So, it has - rather belatedly, I might add - come to my attention that I need to be writing more - like nearly everyday. It's why I like NANOWRIMO so much. I have a goal - shared with others - to accomplish. I'm apparently not very good with personal goals. So, let's try it again:

Goal One: Participate in Scriptfrenzy. (We'll talk about that in a minute.)

Goal Two: Post something writing related on this blog at least once a week.

Every Saturday might work, too, now that I think about it. Goal Two set!

Now, back to this first goal. I've never written a "proper" script before. I don't count little skits in high school, although they probably should be. There were only ever a few of them and I remember they were pretty well received. They were always for a class project, too, and I can't remember getting a bad grade on any of the tiny skits I wrote during that time. So script writing shouldn't be too difficult. I sort of know what I'm doing.




I've been doing a lot of reading over the last couple of days - mostly on formatting. I've never read a "proper" script before either. Lucky there's some on the internet that people can read. It's an interesting notion, to read the scripts from movies and television that I've probably watched a hundred times with thinking too much about it.

ScriptFrenzy wants participants to write 100 pages of script. I'm not sure about that, but I'm pretty sure I've just completely talked myself into this. I make no promises. We'll see where it goes.

Challenge Accepted!

Wish me luck.