Saturday, March 24, 2012

ScriptFrenzy Update & Freaking the Freak Out

ScriptFrenzy is inching ever closer. I do not, for all intents and purposes, have a complete plot. I have a few ideas, but nothing concrete. Reading is helpful. I read the script for the pilot episode of "How I Met Your Mother." I was pleased to see that the finished product was very close to what was written.

Now, I've read interviews and articles about different television shows about how they are still writing, rewriting, and rewriting again as they are filming the episode. I imagine that's true for movies as well.

It makes me wonder, though, how writer's view their scripts for television verses movies. To me, writing for television seems to be like writing a book - a chapter at a time - where everyone gets to see the chapter. So there's no way to overall edit the book, like you normally would. So, continuing with the metaphor, writing/filming a movie would be more like writing it all before anyone gets to see it.

I think writing for television would be interesting though. I feel as if you'd really get to delve in to the characters, and let the audience get to know them as well.

Also, it is my understanding, that are usally several writers on a television series. Ultimately, I think it would be easier, and possibly more fun, to write for television because you'd have people to bounce ideas off of.


I have an appointment next month to tour a nearby campus. They have a Movie Making Program. It's a small program, very limited, as far as the amount of people they'll take. One minute, I'm very excited about the whole process and the next I'm sick to my stomach. Going back to school would completely change every aspect of my life and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I'll go to my meeting and go from there.

Wish me luck.

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