Sunday, March 18, 2012

Untitled Writing Post - March 18, 2012

So, apparently, I already suck at this.

I am looking forward to ScriptFrenzy. It starts two weeks from today. I'm not set on a plot yet, and I still have some reading to do before I know for sure what I'm doing.

I've started using Celtx.

So far it's a great program. They make it very easy to write. Everything's there that you need. And when the program is downloaded (for free, might I add) they have programming for many different writing projects.

It makes me very happy.

While I'm learning what I'm doing, I've taken an idea that I've had for a while and trying my hand at scriptwriting. I always thought that it would make a great novel, but I've never tried to write it before so maybe this will work at better.

If not, I'll try again - maybe use it for the idea for Camp NANOWRIMO in June.

I wanted to use my weekly writing blog post to talk about a certain aspect of whatever type of project that I'm currently working on. Unfortunately, I don't have anything picked out. It's been a crazy week and I have been work on a script.

I've been looking into a proper script writing class. I haven't been able to find anything close or exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not really interested in an online class. I would very much like an in person class, even if I had to travel an hour or two once a week. I'll keep looking, but until then, I'll keep researching and writing.

I'm very optimistic about everything at the moment. And that is . . . . nice.

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