Saturday, April 28, 2012

Life Update & Let's Talk About Muse, Baby

I took last week off - rather unexpectedly.  My mother went in for back surgery this past Wednesday and she's doing really well - which is a huge relief.

First, a writing update - ScriptFrenzy is coming to a close and sadly I did not reach my goal of 100 pages.  I started with one idea, got about 15 pages in, and realized it wasn't going to work for me.  I came up with a new plot, which I quite liked, and started working on it.  Unfortunately, real life has been getting in the way.  I'm going to continue work on it - I like where it's going.  I just have to figure out a way for time travel to work.

While I was sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, I picked up a short story that I'm working on for an anthology.  It's unsolicited - but a girl has to start somewhere.  My father asked me what I was working on and when I gave him a run down of what was happening, he gave me a suggestion - a small, little thing that will actually turn the story on its head.  And I'm grateful.  It's a fun idea for a dark story and I needed that kick in the pants. 

Thanks Dad!

So maybe we should talk about the finicky thing most of us call a muse.

You know some writers don't believe in such a thing? 

I'm not sure what they considered a muse but I think of it as any little thing that gets your creative juices flowing - an overheard conversation, a name, a misread sign.  Whatever it takes to spark a story idea.  Some people look at it differently, I'm sure, but that's what I consider a writer's muse.

The question then becomes where do you find your muse?

And the answer . . . . everywhere.

Sometimes the best thing to do is be around other people who are just going about their lives.  Why do you think there are so many writers in Starbucks?  I started a new chapter of a story I was working on at the time when I was out with my friends bowling.  You can't coop yourself up at home claiming "no distractions" because sometimes it those distractions that feed our soul and awake our muse.  

Go out into the world and be inspired.  Let any little thing spark your imagination and then get it down on paper before you forget!

Good luck!

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